When people think of therapy, they envision lying on a couch talking to a therapist, dissecting each and every interaction or childhood experience.


Well that’s not the case with therapy.


Misconceptions and stigma around therapy and mental health have often deterred people from seeking the support they need and that they could greatly benefit from. The truth is, therapy is beneficial whether you’re currently struggling or not. Studies have shown that talking to a therapist can actually rewire your brain by challenging unhealthy thought patterns. Many people who are worried about looking “crazy” don’t access the support of a therapist, when the reality is the earlier someone gets help, the easier it is to get through the problem. Similarly to a health issue, the more quickly we see a doctor and start treatment, the sooner we recover.


Therapy also doesn’t have to be a long-term commitment. Some may require longer-term support, but others may benefit from only one to four sessions. It all depends on your goals and what you need.


If you’re still not convinced, here are some additional reasons why you should consider seeing a Counsellor/Psychotherapist:


You are feeling Overwhelmed

You may be feeling stressed, overworked or pulled in one too many directions with family or personal commitments. You may feel like you don’t know where to turn or how to started getting yourself back on tract. Counselling can provide you with a safe place to slow down, explore feelings and uncertainties, build confidence and develop new ways of coping with life’s challenges.

You are Undergoing a Big Change


Life’s transitions can take a toll on our emotional and physical health. Transitions like starting a family (or struggling with fertility), coping with the new responsibilities of parenthood or a new job can be better managed when you have an opportunity and space to talk to a neutral person. Exploring your challenges and thoughts with a professional in a non-judgmental, safe environment, can make you feel less alone and better able to adapt with life’s transitions and changes.

Your Relationships Feel Strained


We all know that relationships can be hard and take work. You may find your relationship feeling strained and, whether or not your partner joins you, therapy can help you improve communication to create more harmonious relationships.


You’re Feeling Isolated or Alone


When struggling with a mental health issue or a life stressor, we often don’t want to burden our friends and family with our problems, which leaves us feeling alone and isolated. Talking to a therapist is sometimes easier than discussing personal issues with friends and family. Counselling is a collaborative relationship which enables you to develop trust in yourself, as well as better insight to help you move forward and grow.


You’ve Experienced a Recent Loss


There is no single definition that defines grief, but it can be defined as the normal and emotional reaction to the loss or change of any kind. Whether it’s the loss of family, friend, or even infertility and pregnancy loss, the feelings that arise can be hard to handle. Therapy gives you space and time to process the loss and cope with the concurrent changes in your life.


There are so many more reasons why you could consider checking out Psychotherapy and Counselling. If any of the above reasons resonate with you or helped you to realize that you may need additional support, book an appointment online for Counselling and Psychotherapy services at Bronte Wellness Boutique.